Sunday, December 18, 2005

Reglious Right vs. Islamic Extremists
Are there any differences?

There seems to be a double standard when condeming religious fanaticism, depending on what religion it is. Everyone condems the Islamic extremism that is used by the terrorists to strike fear in the lives of people across the world, yet we don't hear the out cry when the christian fundamentialism is demonstrated.

What brought this about was the arrest of Eric Rudolph, the abortion clinic bomber that was captured a few months ago. There was no out cry but christian leaders about the hypocracy of killing adults to stop the supposed killing of a fetus. Yet every time there is was a beheading or a terroristic attack, the media cries how Islamic leaders should step up and condemn terrorism.

Another example is Pat Roberts calling for the assasination of Venzuela's President. If a Venzuelian called for the assassination of President Bush, I'm sure there would be an outcry.

Now, I'm not speaking about the billions of religious people in the world, that use religon as a positive guiding force in their lives. I believe religion plays an important part of society and humanity in general. But it disgusts me when people use these beliefs to benefit themselves and/or some fringe idea of theirs.

Fundementialism is dangerous no matter which religion is coming from. If its the Crusades, to IRA, to Iraqi Freedom fighters, it should be called out and condemned by the leaders of every religion.


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